Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Wave

Life is a wave, which in no two consecutive moments of its existence is composed of the same particles.
- John Tyndall

Neither can the wave that has passed by be recalled, nor the hour which has passed return again.
- Ovid

Naturally, it's Christmas Eve Eve, and Chesapeake Bay Woman is not prepared. She will rise at 5:30 a.m. today and drive the hour in the dark to work. She will sit at her desk listening to her brain slowly rot away while her subconscious recites lists upon lists of random--yet crucial-- things that need to be completed before tomorrow. Then she will drive an hour home to the Hudgins post office and hope the stuff she ordered last-minute from the internet arrives, otherwise she will have to turn back around and drive another 15 miles to the Gloucester Wal-Mutant where she prays she will find the things she ordered off the internet that didn't arrive on time. Then she will resume start crying from the stress of it all and wish that she could start a new society on a planet with absolutely no Wal-Mutants stores, no crowds and no shopping. And life would be good.

The End.
- Chesapeake Bay Woman.

p.s. Have a great Wednesday, and remember life is like a wave. There's no sense getting worked up over the moment because that moment slips away, crashes ashore and disappears forever. Then there's something new to deal with. Such as a sinking boat a tidal wave.


  1. My poor dadddy isn't getting a thing until AFTER Christmas.... I have to actually paint him a sign and I just don't have the time.

    wv- somica... the term used to define slipping into a coma due to lack of sleep.

  2. Serenity Now. Remember, it's all *just* details.

    though I feel your pain...

    Take comfort in the upcoming long weekend - in fact, two of 'em! Woo hoo!

  3. Stress. I want to say 'don't let it get to you' but that's easier said than done. Still . . . I'll be thinking of you today. I'm not done either.

  4. Thinking of you. And realizing I'm right there with you in that sinking boat. Going to go scoop water now!

    Today my WV is ~abler~ as in ENabler??

  5. Sending warm "coping" thoughts your way~
    I'm on the last minute stuff too. It will either get done or it won't but you'll have a lovely holiday with your family anyway!


  6. Gah. Ad a stomach virus on top, and you've got my week so far;)

  7. That is so wise and so true .. and sometimes you get a wake up call that makes everything else seem well just pointless to be upset about.

    OTOH . I wish a plague on Bank of America's mortgage people .. especially the one who turned down our buyer after setting and canceling TWO closing dates........

  8. And remember to "wave" as you are leaving the Wal-Mutant parking lot cause your trunk will be filled with wine and your friends are coming to help drink it! And it will all be over with. Until next year!

  9. Oh Darl! I am so sorry, I am going thru my own mortgage/real estate nightmares but none that drastic. You truly have my empathy!

  10. I love your wave quotes. Having lived within spitting distance of the ocean most of my life I often sat and pondered the similar thoughts.

    Don't let the holiday stress you too much. If your packages aren't at the post office just give cash. It works for me.


    PS I will email you about my encounters with John Wayne

  11. My deepest sympathy if you have to enter a Wal-Mart, I have not set foot in one in 10 years. Because I hate them that much.

  12. Oh dear, Wal Mart? I send my regards ;) I have come to the conclusion, if I don't have it by now, they are getting a dang IOU and I'll pick it up AFTER Christmas. It will be cheaper anyway....

    Merry Christmas :)


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