Monday, June 4, 2012


The 8th grade graduation ceremony was held at Ware Episcopal Church
which dates back  to when Columbus sailed the ocean blue a few centuries ago.

Last Friday my daughter officially peeled off her Eighth Grade label and slapped on one that says Pending High School.

Here she's accepting an award for being one of seven students in the class who've been at the school since Columbus sailed the ocean blue the age of three. (Seriously.)

I'm so grateful my parents were a part of this special day.

I adore this beautiful girl.

Absolutely adore her.

Thank you, CB Daughter, for making me one 
very proud and very honored mother.

For another story involving Ware Episcopal Church and my daughter, please click here .


  1. Well, I thank you for the diversion of reading the post from 2008 to get me laughing...(I am the overly sentimental sort who tears up while watching tv ads aimed at a tug of the heartstrings) naturally, your tribute to your newly ninth grade student was choking me up ! I have a hard time with my grand- daughter graduating from Kindergarten this week, as it is.
    Who among us has not suffered the claustrophobic tickling of suppressing laughter during an auspicious and solemn ceremony ?
    At my father in law's funeral, my then 6 year old son sat beside me on a wooden church pew, squirming from painful abdominal cramps. You can guess how those gassy cramps noisily against the wooden seat, during dead silence in an echoing chapel. The whole family stiffened up, and then everyone's shoulders shook up and down, as the same thought went through all our minds. My father in law would have LOVED it!! --Nobody was naughtier when it came to pranks during church services than he was. Even my mother in law almost let out a giggle; we all turned red and leaned over, to gain some composure. That moment of humor got us through the rest of a very sad day.
    As a survivor of school concerts and poetry readings, where the irresistible urge to laugh was contagious, I recommend a deep breath and leaning down to pretend to tie your shoes--even if you wear slip-ons or buckles...and do NOT look at whomever you are with; only sit up if you are back in control.

    CBD looks lovely in her photos, as do the proud grandparents.

  2. Congratulations CBD and to you, CBW, for raising such a bright and beautiful daughter.
    She will have wonderful memories of her graduation ceremonies in such a historic location...

  3. Please anybody who has all boys don't take this the wrong way but I really feel sorry for the mom who doesn't have a daughter. It's a very special bond between and mother and a daughter, I feel the same way about my girl...they just "get it", they understand.

    I just love how they keep it traditional with graduation in a church. That is so nice.

    Congratulation Maria, enjoy your high school years!

  4. They grow up so fast! Congratulations on achieving a big miestone.

  5. What a beautiful building, and what a beautiful daughter!


  6. she and your dad have the same smile .. frame that shot of the 3 of them!

  7. Congratulations to cb daughter and to are raising a beautiful daughter!

  8. She is such a love muffin! Congrats Beautiful M!!!

  9. Congratulations CB Daughter! A wonderfully accomplished and beautiful lady with a wonderful and beautiful family to share all your accomplishments with. In this day and time, you are very fortunate indeed.

    Beautiful photos indeed.

  10. Congratulations to your beautiful daughter - and to you and your family. I love her red dress.


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