Monday, November 5, 2012

Oyster Festival

These were taken on the long (but enjoyable) walk from the parking lot to the Urbanna Oyster Festival this weekend.  I've never had a bad time at the Oyster Festival (is it even possible?), and this year was no different.  Good food, good fun, a little bit of dancing and lots of people watching--one of my favorite past times.

In other news completely unrelated, this morning my mother goes in for a cardioversion to hopefully correct her heart rate.  My daughter has basketball try outs this afternoon.  And I will begin psyching myself up for a trip to the Outer Banks this weekend to participate in 13.1 miles of sheer torture  my first and likely last half-marathon.

What's happening in your world?


  1. Urbana is beautiful--thank you for the photos...puts into perspective, when my birthplace NJ is suffering in her coastal areas, along with NYC. I hope we hear from maria_in_nj soon. My family in n. central NJ are still without power, so I know the coastal area will have longer delays yet.
    Hugs for your beautiful Mama. X O

  2. I honestly think the last time I went to the Oyster Festival I was in high school. At the oldest in my early 20's.

  3. No fireman pictures? Crab hat? Did you have that shrimp salad? Did you have some wine?

    Please give Mama my extra love today, and let me know how it goes...

    Our little jog on Sunday is gonna be a breeze.

  4. Sending my best and my good thoughts to your mom, let us know, please.

    Basketball season? Time is flying will be Christmas next blink!

    You will be with friends during your marathon, the time and miles will go quickly! Actually, getting away for a bit sounds good to me-

  5. good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck to all of the above, especially your mom...

  6. please give mama hugs from me and tell to behave with those young handsome doctors ... wishing i was able to come be a cheerleader next weekend for your little 'jog' .. xo

  7. the little jog is going to be FINE!

  8. Wonderful pictures! Hope you have more to show us. Saying prayers for your Mom and hope this corrects her problem.

  9. Love to your momma, CBW ~ and good luck this weekend!

  10. dbeepuchtsecMaria ! you checked in ! Happy day !

    (Sorry that I spelled Urbanna with only one N earlier.)


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