Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Boat on Urbanna Creek

These were taken on the walk into the Oyster Festival on Saturday afternoon.

Happy Tuesday. Don't forget to vote.

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p.s. My mother's cardioversion was a success and we're looking forward to having her feel better. She was tired last night when I talked to her. But since it's dark by  four thirty six o'clock now, I think we're all tired no matter how many Vitamin D supplements we pop what.  

It's time for the winter hibernation I've been lobbying for.  

It's a shame that's not on the ballot today. 


  1. Big day today for us in the USA. I'll be out there voting.

    Glad to hear your Mom's cardioversion was successful. Lovely pictures!

  2. that's just great about your Mum. fantastic. It will be good for you to have her back home and out and about again!

    what a week it was for you. Hope it all calms down and you get that hibernating time after all!

  3. Vote Early, Vote Often!
    So good to hear the great news about your mom, she will feel better soon!

    Hibernation soon, just looking for a cave...

  4. are there down pillows and comforters involved in hibernating? if so, you've got my vote!

    excellent news about your mama!

  5. I was asleep by 8. Vodka may or may not have been involved.

    So happy about Mama!!!

  6. I'll take either one of those boats. The guys can come along, too, if they want.

    Glad Mom's feeling better. Pretty soon she'll be feeling so much better, she won't know hat to do with herself.

    Hibernation can't come soon enough for me. I'm ready.

  7. Glad to hear Mama's on the mend! Now if you'll excuse me I'm off for my long winter's nap...


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