Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall on Queens Creek

These almost identical (yet to me very different) pictures are of a recent fall night here on Queens Creek.

When I was typing the title to this post I realized how close Fall on Queens Creek is to Falling In Queens Creek, something more than a few of us have done over the years.

For example, when I was trying to teach Middle Sis how to navigate the Sunfish, I fell overboard.

(Click here for that story),

(Precisely nobody taught me how to navigate the Sunfish. Not that I'm bitter or anything.)

Yes, that is but one of many stories involving an unexpected dip in the creek.

Another has to do with my father trying to get from the boat to the dock.  To this day I'm not sure if he fell accidentally or jumped on purpose.

(Truth be told, I think he accidentally jumped and purposely fell.  Bourbon may have been involved.)

It is important to note, however, that when I named this post I was thinking only of Fall. The season.  On vs. in Queens Creek.

p.s. As I was searching for the posts related to falling in the creek, I stumbled upon this (click here) which discusses my family's prowess when it comes to falling.  If the post doesn't make you laugh, the comments surely will.  Enjoy.


  1. How quickly fall falls.
    On Queen's creek.

  2. seriously as I read the title.. my thought was don't you mean IN..

  3. so glad that the procedure went well...hoping that she feels better soon...m

  4. i am envious you have such gorgeous foliage .. we have dying brown yucky looking leaves .. those that haven't already given up/fallen off .. of course the storm now headed this way will being snow to already sodden ground that will no doubt let go of many tree roots letting those trees fall ... sigh .. is it spring yet?

  5. gorgeous gorgeous photos! love the reflections
    Funny 'falling in' stories!

  6. Love the wonderfully peaceful photos, but I loved your "Clumsiness" post more. After the last few weeks I"ve had I really, really, really needed a good laugh.

    BTW, I don't see anything wrong running around outside naked. It's a very liberating feeling. I just make sure the hunters aren't in residence at their camp next door.

  7. We enjoyed our visit to Queens Creek LAST fall. Need to come see it again.


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