Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hanging Out

The Chesapeake Bay Family survived two days in the big city of Richmond.  Son had many stories to tell about his adventures in New York.  We spent quality time together laughing, eating, shopping, eating and laughing. Much of that laughter was shared with Baby Sis, who joined us for dinner both nights.

This weekend everyone's off in different directions once again.

I'll be here in Mathews longing for the fish rolls we had at Peter Chang's while trying to cram in yard work, half-marathon training, indoor decluttering and sleeping grass mowing, provided I can get the flat tire on my John Deere fixed.

I hope your weekend is filled with crispy fish rolls with cilantro whatever makes you happy.


p.s. If you haven't seen it yet, here's my mother's latest post which includes a spectacular picture of her.


  1. Sounds like everyone had fun. That's great!
    Now I must check out your mom's blog.

  2. I hope you can't get that tire fixed...I want to go to Merroir :)

  3. i hope you get that tire fixed too ... so you can meet up with BHE

  4. This race is starting to scare me.


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