Monday, April 8, 2013


A weekend that was supposed to include house and yard work instead was spent having fun, none of which was planned.

Saturday I went to Gloucester's Daffodil Festival with Me, Myself and My Camera.  The three of us like to hang out, and we enjoyed the diversion on a brisk sunny day.

(We also happened to be avoiding house and yard work.)

I'll post some pictures of the food trucks as far as the eye could see flower-filled festivities later this week.

Saturday night I met my friend BHE and her date at Sandpiper Reef, where we enjoyed a fabulous dinner.

(I had the blackened tuna which was fantastic. And yes, I was the third wheel on that date.  Still, we had fun. Also, I was at Sandpiper Friday evening at the urging of another friend in town for a funeral. She called on my ride home from work and forced me out of the cocoon I've created for myself here lately.)

Sunday BHE and I met at Merroir.  Again.  What can I say, it's become a biweekly event.

On the drive home from Merroir I pulled over in a church parking lot to take a closer look at an old house I spotted in the adjacent woods.

I was completely engrossed in thought, entirely focused on this house, when out of nowhere came a man.  I waved politely and started making my way back to the car.  Figuring I should explain my presence, I held up the camera, said hello, and told him how much I loved old structures.

This started a conversation that lasted at least thirty minutes and went everywhere from his wife's death to his unfulfilled desire for a daughter to my great uncle Gene, who evidently was a mentor to this man in earlier days.

Sometimes I wonder just how these things happen.  Here I am, randomly pulling off on the side of the road to take pictures of a ramshackle house when out of nowhere comes a man who not only was interesting but who knew someone in my extended family.  I gave up trying to figure out the "why" of these occurrences and instead am just grateful they occur at all.

His name is Howard.

Sprinkled throughout the conversation were several references to beauty, the simple beauty found in everyday things. I pointed out to him that the very reason he and I were talking was because I was drawn to the beauty of an old house which others might consider dilapidated. 

After a most unexpected (yet deep) conversation with the man who came out of nowhere, I returned to my car and drove back to Mathews.

Although I accomplished absolutely nothing on my To Do list, I had a wonderful weekend.


  1. The daffodils are beautiful!
    Time to emerge from your cocoon, Spring seems to be springing forth after a few fits...the magnolia next door is blooming after only 2 days of decent temps.
    So glad you had a fun weekend!

  2. It was sooooo nice spending just a few minutes with you. we didn't do much. didn't say much just being and I was happy.

    I am still hung over from Saturday night.. so that tells you what we did.

    Also on the way home I saw they were getting ready to start of the daffodil 5k.. do you know as sick as I felt I actually thought about stopping and running it! I am sick.

  3. I once heard Gloucester was one the daffodil capital or something along those lines. It was one of those conversations you have on the street with a stranger that starts with your random thought that you utter out loud and the stranger hears you and things you're talking to them... An off topic observation- Mondays seem harsher when they follow a great weekend.

  4. and here SnowWhite and i were thinking we didnt hear back from BHE because she had such a good time on her date that well maybe she wasnt a home .. ha! was her date a nice guy? will the three of you go out again? nosy blisters need to know

  5. Oh, I'll bet the Daffodil Festival was beautiful! Next time I'm home, I need to get to Merrier with you!

    Talk to you soon!
    Middle Sis

  6. " There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it." ~ Mary Wilson Little.

    Yay ! I found the perfect quote...and I am sure the daffodils were conspiring in this as well, to lure you away from chores that can wait for another weekend.
    What is about chance meetings and "no such thing as a coincidence" ? LLC

  7. I love the randomness of The Universe. xoxo

  8. Deborah, if the magnolia is blooming where you are that gives us hope here. We had a wonderfully warm day today, almost 80. Spectacular. However, there is talk of more cold by Friday. Bah. Humbug.

    AM- Good to see you too. I was coming off a brutal day at work so had no energy to talk but was grateful for the diversion. And that little outing turned into two more days of getting out of the house. Thank you for jump starting it.

    DJ-There was a time when most of the fields around here were filled with people picking, kids, everyone. It was wonderful. Thankfully our field still blooms as a gentle reminder of those days.

    Daryl-Her date was wonderful, a gentleman. Intelligent, kind, funny, just great.

    Middle Sis, whether your new name of Merrier is intentional or not, we're going to use it going forward. Merroir is in fact a great place to ditch the Sunday blues and become happier, merrier. You'll love it.

    LLC, as always you are eloquent and say just the right thing. Thank you.

    MPM-And how well you know it. The Universe clearly has plans for you. (P.S. I walked/jogged six miles tonight. Painful, ugly, not good for the 13.1 we're supposed to do in less than three weeks. We'll still have fun. The Universe insists.)


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