Friday, May 24, 2013

The Sun and the Moon

A recent sunrise on Queens Creek

A recent moonrise on Queens Creek

My son and daughter sun and moon playing volleyball at home on Queens Creek

Happy Memorial Day weekend.


  1. At home on Queens Creek looks like one fantastic place to call home. Your kids are going to have such wonderful memories of your family, in this place.
    Thanks for zooming in on the is our anxious neighbor, and peers over at us in full face
    every month, hoping that we are not doing too much harm to our planet. (Good luck with that, moonie).

  2. Love the son and moon playing volleyball. Happy Memorial Day--can't believe it's already been a year since we were there. I soooo want to come back, love your neck of the woods. Betsy

  3. Fly me to the moon... da da de da da da...


  4. That full moon explains a lot of the behavior I've witnessed this week...

    Hope Saturday works out for us:)

  5. Full moon tonight. It's supposed to look extra big. I don't sleep well when the moon is full. Throw in those dang blasted whip-poor-wills and I guess I'll be up all night.....AGAIN!!!

    Hope you have a memorial Memorial Day weekend.

  6. Love love love this post. Enjoy the long weekend, my friend. xoxo

  7. Dear CBW have a great weekend...miss you...MM


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