Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Over the weekend I had the pleasure of being invited to a neighborhood party in Cobbs Creek, just a few houses away from where my friend Alda lives.

It was a beautiful day.

That's the one and only Alda on the left.

Our host Jim.  All the shots of our hostess Lee came out blurry for some reason.
She was playing a lively game of cornhole, and I'm not very good at action shots.

Mr. C.

Alda's son Henry
 Look at those eyes.

Alda's husband Lawrence

Alda's daughter Betsy shows me the tooth she just lost.

Henry is an excellent driver. He gave me a tour of the grounds  and made sure to stop at places he thought were the best for taking pictures.  I'll show some of those later in the week.

He is way too cute.  

Henry took the golf cart back to Alda's house and returned with a photo of us from
our tenth grade trip to Spain.  Somehow I need to get a scanned copy of that, it's priceless.

It was great catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.

The weekend overall was very relaxing.

Hope yours was too.


  1. Wait. Is that a cornfield in the back?

  2. hey! i am back .. thought of you when we stood atop the arc de triomphe ... catching up with both blog reading and sleep

  3. Nothing better than fresh air, friends, and food. Great pictures!

  4. I've enjoyed your blog for some time but never left a comment--guess I was a "secret admirer". But now I am compelled to say "wow!" :) You've made our everyday life look magical (which in a way, it is!) Thanks for the reminder, and thanks for coming by. Lee


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.