Monday, June 17, 2013

Boat Parade

Towards the last part of a spectacularly sunny Saturday, I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Merroir over in Topping.  The weather was perfect for sitting outdoors--and also for boating.

Of all the boats that passed by, this was my favorite.

In addition to the boats, these out-of-control dock pilings fascinated me.
(It doesn't take much.)

See?  Although the incoming boat is beautiful, I was really focused on the dock gone wild.
There is beauty in imperfection. At least to me.

How was your weekend?


Waterman JP said...

Nice pictures,I just love the water scenes. I wish I were out clamming,although my entire weekend was spent at work.

big hair envy said...

What a beautiful weekend it was here in the 804!! Merroir? **jealous** Friday night I hung out with friends after cooking (and eating!) a monstrous spaghetti supper. Saturday, cleaned the house, and went to dinner at Jessica's on Main. Sunday, hosted our family Father's Day get-together. Whew! It was wild. And wonderful! Miss you:/

Daryl said...

i too am jealous .. such great weather, such lovely scenery ...

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures of boats and docks! But it makes me crazy - jealous.

I haven't managed to have time to even lay eyes on my boat in months, much less actually take her out sailing.

As you might recall, my boat is in a slip at Queens Creek Marina, just a hop, skip and jump from you. I hope she's still floating upright and on her lines.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Bill, I'd be happy to go check and take a picture for you, if you need me to. I used to take piano lessons at the home on that marina's property and would love to go back for a visit.