Monday, June 17, 2013

Boat Parade

Towards the last part of a spectacularly sunny Saturday, I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Merroir over in Topping.  The weather was perfect for sitting outdoors--and also for boating.

Of all the boats that passed by, this was my favorite.

In addition to the boats, these out-of-control dock pilings fascinated me.
(It doesn't take much.)

See?  Although the incoming boat is beautiful, I was really focused on the dock gone wild.
There is beauty in imperfection. At least to me.

How was your weekend?


  1. Nice pictures,I just love the water scenes. I wish I were out clamming,although my entire weekend was spent at work.

  2. What a beautiful weekend it was here in the 804!! Merroir? **jealous** Friday night I hung out with friends after cooking (and eating!) a monstrous spaghetti supper. Saturday, cleaned the house, and went to dinner at Jessica's on Main. Sunday, hosted our family Father's Day get-together. Whew! It was wild. And wonderful! Miss you:/

  3. i too am jealous .. such great weather, such lovely scenery ...

  4. I love your pictures of boats and docks! But it makes me crazy - jealous.

    I haven't managed to have time to even lay eyes on my boat in months, much less actually take her out sailing.

    As you might recall, my boat is in a slip at Queens Creek Marina, just a hop, skip and jump from you. I hope she's still floating upright and on her lines.

  5. Bill, I'd be happy to go check and take a picture for you, if you need me to. I used to take piano lessons at the home on that marina's property and would love to go back for a visit.


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