Friday, June 7, 2013

More from Horn Harbor

These are just a few lingering shots from last Sunday's trip to the beach at Horn Harbor.

This weekend promises to be a hectic one . Today's forecast includes heavy rain and winds thanks to a tropical storm, which will make my 100-mile commute to and from work even more delightful.  Saturday my friend Lucy's* daughter is getting married, and I'll be taking pictures and serving food at the reception.  Sunday I drive Son to Newport News for Boys State orientation, then we're off to Charlottesville to meet with UVA admissions people Monday morning.

The words do not exist to express how much I am so looking forward to my vacation in July.

I hope your weekend is relaxing, free of stress and obligations.

*Click here for a 2010 blog post which includes a picture of me and Lucy at the Christmas parade.  Be sure to read my mother's comment about a remark Lucy once made in during one of our high school basketball games.  She'd have no qualms making the same remark today. She tells it like it is.


  1. its raining here .. i hope it clears for the wedding

  2. We, too, are assisting in a friend's wedding - our neighbor is hosting the wedding of her best friend's youngest daughter, and we have agreed to bartend! which will be great, as long as it does not rain... Fingers are crossed. At a minimum we can no longer park cars on the yard, so we are giving thought to that particular plan B...


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