Monday, June 10, 2013


These are a few random boat scenes.

Callis Wharf

Edwards Creek


Today I'm in Charlottesville with Son and Daughter meeting with college admissions people. As much as I love Mathews, I am thrilled to be away from home even if it's just for a night.

Each day that passes brings me closer to my vacation in July, which cannot get here fast enough.  Between work, end of the school year stuff, house and yard maintenance, and Daughter's decision to play summer softball, which requires forty million games between now and the end of the month, let's just say nothing in the world will make me happier than to be a solid four to five hours away from any responsibilities other than deciding what's for supper and whether to get in the pool or the hot tub.

(Also?  Daughter has never played softball before in her life. Just as we're finally getting a break from the chains of the school calendar and sports schedule, we have a new one to dictate our life.)

Anyway, enough of my complaining. All in all, I have nothing to complain about and everything to be grateful for. However, I'm living for that week of vacation. The End.

Have a great week.


  1. As my Mom would say...(you could be bailing them out of jail!) sports how ever time consuming is a good thing my friend!! Love the boats!! MM

  2. i think we need to discuss going to visit Mama and having a blogfest during your vacation


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