Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Orange and Blue

Most of Saturday was spent a quarter-mile from my house at the Piankatank Ruritan Club helping my friend Lucy with her daughter's wedding reception. The Ruritan Club holds many memories that date  back to 1980s dances featuring the Beast from the East as DJ back to high school.

The wedding colors were orange and blue.

The bride and groom


Orange and blue happen to be the colors of my alma mater, which Son, Daughter and I visited Sunday and Monday.

I told them the story of my very first night on grounds,
which was in 1492 1982.
(A fraternity party was involved.)

Son and Daughter in front of the Rotunda, which is currently under renovation.

I love Thomas Jefferson.

The Lawn
My friend Iris lived on the Lawn. So did Ricky Stokes.
And Edgar Allen Poe, however briefly.

From Sunday morning to Monday night, the Chesapeake Bay Family traveled over 360 miles. When you factor in my normal commute and an out-of-town trip for work, by the time Friday evening arrives this week, I will have driven an additional 500 miles.

860 miles in six days.

Although these past several days have been fun filled and action packed, I must reiterate for the record that I am living for my week of vacation in July.

These past few days have been enjoyable, in spite of all my complaining everything.


  1. Wow, you had a busy weekend! Beautiful campus and wonderful children (can they still be called that?)!
    Have a safe week and think vacation.
    We have one in a month - after the wedding we are staying a few extra days. Guess we are honeymooning with the Bridal party Ha!

  2. you beat me.. I only walked 26.2 miles. That was enough. oh wait i traveled 360 miles to walk 26.2 miles.. I win

  3. I hope they leave the rotunda unpainted! Wahoowaa!!!

  4. Glad you are home safe and sound after such a busy weekend! My dad taught/coached Ricky Stokes in high school. True story:)

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful and busy weekend. I got tired just reading about it. Loved the pictures.

    It must be a right of passage, or something, that you go to a frat party the first night on campus.

  6. BHE-Ricky was always one of my favorite b-ball players. He occasionally stopped by our parties at Wahoo West, an apartment complex directly across from where he played basketball. Once he even brought Ralph Sampson with him; we were thrilled. Ricky was a very down to Earth guy, I liked him a lot.


    Busy, busy, busy week already and there's no end in sight.

    Due to the craziness, which includes being out of town for work, there probably won't be any new blog posts for a few days unless there is some break in all the chaos.

    Since I am not doing a blog post this evening, though, I'd like to document some bragging on my daughter, once again. Although she's never played softball (fast pitch, at that) in her life, she got on base every time up to bat this evening. Her first hit was a fly ball over center fielder's head. Beautiful. It almost made sitting in swarming mosquitoes (the size of 747s) for four solid hours worth it.

    Thank you all for reading and taking the time to comment, I truly appreciate it.

  7. love all these and i wish lucy's daughter/s-i-l the very best


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