Monday, January 27, 2014

Week Ahead

After a weekend visiting with my friend Meg in Maryland, I'm bracing for a brutal week ahead.  In addition to my normal commute, I'll drive to away basketball games Monday and Tuesday nights.  Monday night is against Charles City, Tuesday is King William.  Friday we play home against West Point.

Based on the fact that I won't walk in the door (after leaving at 6:15 a.m.) until after 11:00 p.m. these next few nights, and the fact that college financial aid forms are due this week, and a thousand other excuses reasons, blog posts will be sparse.

Have a great week.

P.S. Is it spring yet?


  1. One would think that after Christmas things would slow down.. But it doesn't ...which is O.K.. takes us out of the house in this cold weather.. snowing /blowing/freezing temp's with wind chill... in the-33 range.. Ouch..frostbite in 5 minutes.. so be careful~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  2. as of right now its 51 days, 22 hours, 29 min til spring but by the time you read this it will be even sooner

  3. If you are reading this tonight, stop. Go to sleep. You've got a ton to do this week until you can relax again. Miss you!

  4. I'm glad you added even more driving to your already busy weekend - I enjoyed hosting you, even for such a short time! Next time: Longer visit. Paced wine consumption. And BONFIRE!! PS, Eli continues to enjoy the crab hat...

  5. whew, take care, drive safely..
    and have a good week anyway.


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