Friday, January 24, 2014


Here are a few final shots of this week's snowfall taken from my back yard.  The temperatures remain frigid, so it's lingering longer than usual.

The weekend is finally here. Barring anything unforeseen, I hope to see my blog friend Meg and her family on Saturday when I make a quick trip north.

I hope your weekend is relaxing and warm.


  1. Lucky Meg!! And lucky you ~

    Enjoy your weekend, my friend.

  2. Your ERSTWHILE BLOGGER friend Meg, that is. Jeez it's been ages. I can't wait to see you! I have procured all the necessities. Safe drive!!

  3. I remember I used to love to play in the snow. No matter how cold it was or how many layers of clothes I had to put on. Especially at night. It always seemed magical somehow. Now, I just like to look at it from the inside of my nice warm house in my fleece jammies.

    Beautiful pictures, as always. Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

  4. lucky meg indeed .. travel safe and have a lot of fun (as if you wouldn't)


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