Yes, it is blurry. Yes, it is crooked. Yes, I know, I know.
After several weeks of procrastinating, I finally decided to heed the very well-written advice of an earlier commenter on how to upload photos. I took a deep breath, cursed while I tried to find the instruction manual to my camera, cursed after I found it, cursed when I couldn't find all the cords to hook Gizmo A into Slot Z, chewed off 9 fingernails, mopped my brow, cried, and then got down to business.
After 14 of the longest minutes I've ever impatiently tolerated, I am pleased to announce that I have finally uploaded a picture from my digital camera. Now, keep in mind that I have not edited it or done anything to it. It is imperfect, and that's fine with me because the point here is that I finally figured out how to upload the darn thing. Unfortunately I doubt I will make this a habit because I simply cannot endure the torture that involves uploading on dial-up internet.
I selected this photo as my first (and possibly only) one for the following reasons:
- This stretch of highway on Gwynn's Island is my favorite, not only in Mathews but also the world. Of course I haven't seen the world, but that's irrelevant.
- I like the curviness of the road, the sign and the tree.
- There is some symbolism in the number 45. It isn't my exact age, but in not so long it will be.
Now, I've got to clean up the fingernails from my desk. And change shirts. This technology thing is very nerve-wracking.
I knew you could do it! And until November I had to deal with dial-up, too, so I completely understand. Best bet: start a photo uploading, then walk away (wash a couple of dishes, clean the sink, eat a bowl of ice cream, whatever). When you come back, voila, and you didn't have to wait for it. And I had best luck later at night, and never on weekends (slower).
I love that picture, just as it is. Looking forward to your next one -- MWAHH!
-- Laurie
...WOO-HOO! You go girl! ;o) Great photo and I'm so sorry about the fingernails - bummer! You know you're gonna have to chew the last one off don't ya? lol...
...Yeah, I remember the dial-up days and I agree with 'foolery' up there that you should just walk away while it's loading otherwise you start chewin' off nails, pullin' out eyelashes, know, all the things that will just leave you swimming in a pool of regret
...Great job CBW! Already lookin' forward to tomorrow's photo! lol...No pressure of ;o)
Great picture, great scenery, excellent upload my dear. Did you not mention to me recently that you COULD get cable hook-up for the internet if you were to LOOK INTO IT? Life would be much sweeter I tell you. You could upload your pix for our viewing pleasure in no time. I can't wait to see what your artistic eye comes up with. But I guess that's being a tad selfish. Just keep taking pictures; it truly is therapy on the cheap. XOXO CBW.
Thanks to all three of you for your kind words. I truly appreciate your support.
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