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Sunset off Gwynns Island, October 2010 |
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Let's begin.
1. This Saturday from 10-4 is the Deltaville Seafood Festival, also known as the Holly Point Art and Seafood Festival except if I called it that everyone on this side of the Piankatank would be all "Holly Point Art Festival? What?" The Deltaville Seafood Festival promises to be chock-a-block full of good things like seafood, BBQ, Blackbeard's Scallywag School (because evidently one must obtain the proper training and certification to be a scallywag), 70 artisans and craftsmen and more.
Click here for more information.
Click here for an audio clip of one of my favorite scallywags.
2a. Much to my chagrin, I had to don shoes, actual shoes, shoes that were not flip flops or sandals--shoes!--this week because it was so cold in the mornings. (Since about March nothing but sandals, flip flops or bare ground have touched these feet.)
2b. If I had my way I'd never put on another shoe again. Alas, society has its rules and my workplace wouldn't take too kindly to me showing up barefoot, although nothing would surprise them at this point.
2c. Let it hereby be known and declared thusly: I despise shoes, except when it comes to shopping for them. And socks are straight from the devil.
3a. Much to my utter and sheer surprise and delight, I realized today that Monday is a federal holiday! Since I am off from the paying job the next two days, I do not have to don shoes, actual shoes, until Tuesday of next week. Hallelujah. I'm considering a celebratory sock-burning bonfire this weekend, but I'm not sure if the county's burn ban has been lifted.
3b. As wonderful as 3a is, I do have to work on Thursday and Friday, just not at a job that pays. I'm
3c. Still, I can wear flip flops or go barefoot if I want, and I can remind myself there's no 100-mile commute and 8.5 hours of work on Monday. Oh, what a wonderful feeling.
Now it's your turn.
Please share three or more things, whatever you want.
1. I hate wearing shoes also. And now I have a foot problem which requires me to wear closed-in shoes with orthotics. Talk about turning into an old lady overnight. UGH. Fortunately I can take them off occasionally at home now...especially as it is getting TOO WARM...28-29 degrees, and that is CELSIUS. And it is officially only Spring. Ugh again.
2. I went into the new GOMA (that's Gallery of Modern Art) here with a friend today to see a Valentino retrospective. Wow. Fantastic.
3. Enjoying my new (voluntary) position at St Vincent de Paul sorting clothes donated by the rich to the poor. So far no Valentinos. But it is amazing to see what people throw out.
woo..love those sunset photos...great cbw. Sorry they hadn't loaded before I decided to go on and on with my comment.
1. It is Thursday before a 3 day.. which means that 3 pm Friday will take 3 days to get here.
2. I just can NOT get enough sleep.. I don't know if it is the weather or what.. but sleepy sleepy sleepy.
3. I am going to see the biggest baby bird on Sunday in Fairfax.. if you didn't have your side project I would ask you if you wanted to ride along.. there HAS to be things we could take photos of. Ahh hell . you wanna ride along anyway???
1. I like shoes and boots, clogs especially, and funky socks. But I hate the first time I put them on in the fall.
2. @Annie, you'll appreciate that I looked down on around my 40th birthday and wondered how my grandmother's feet had become attached to my ankles. Seriously; I have her bunion and her hammertoe - all that's missing is the corns. (Touch wood.)
3. Think they can reschedule that festival thingy for next weekend, when I'll be back in town??
1. I will be attending the Arts & Seafood Festival on Saturday. I know my appearance is the highlight of the festival. I will be signing autographs. The Rubber Ducky may or may not be in attendance.
1b. I love your photos.
2. I hate socks and shoes. I take mine off at work most days. I happen to know that Middlesex County lifted their burn ban and I plan on having a fire while I'm down this weekend. Feel free to bring your socks.
3. I am on week 2 of staying up until 2am talking to an old friend in California. Sleep Deprivation does funny things to your head.
1. I also hate shoes, and wear an old pair of the ugliest crocs ever as often as possible. Comfy!
2. I've been crazy busy cleaning house, of all things...my son (who just moved back home to mooch, um live) finally bought bedroom furniture, so by clearing out the 'junk' room for him, it seems that the whole house has been turned upside down. Serious cleaning continues until I break down and start crying or get it all done. Any takers on which will happen first?
3. Enjoy your 3 days off! If I lived closer, I would help!
wv: ingsural - Ingsural a great bunch of people!
1. Love those shots! sigh
2. I like shoes. Lots of shoes.
3. I wish we could all meet up with Re. sigh
I hate shoes too, they fit in the store and then you get home and they dont fit .. I prefer boots or sandals both of those always fit except when sandals that previously was fine begin to cause blisters, what the heck is up with that?
I used to never clean, I swear I would do anything to avoid cleaning but ringworm on cats changes how you, well how I think ... I discovered Swiffers and Clorox Wipes and now I am a cleaning machine ... lets see how long this lasts .. even my track record for maintaining any semblance of continued enthusiasm for anything I am betting I dont last.
I wish VA and NY were closer .. I miss you .. and I would love to come scallywag with you .. alas I am flying to Las Vegas instead...
when sandals that previously was fine .. AAAAAARGH .. that were previously fine .. I really need to proofread........
WV obsomet. I was obsomet about cleaning but now I am not
1. Weird things - like a swollen eyelid- happen to me all the time.
2. I love my car. A Toyota Venza.
3. I don't have to do any work today until this evening . . . yeah!
1. I thought today was Friday.
2. I was depressed when I found out it was not Friday.
3. BUT no work on Monday for me! YIPPEE!
Have yourself a fabu barefoot, carefree weekend, my friend!
Let's see, what do I have today (rootling around in my mind, as if looking for car keys in my giant handbag);
1. Today is the "Return to School Picnic". School started in August, when the weather might have been faintly conducive to picnics. However... torrential rain and 6C don't do it for me. But still... attendance isn't exactly compulsory, but - it's noted whether you attend or not.
2. Which brings me seamlessly to... the same way I received a note saying "It has come to our notice that you have not yet volunteered at school this year. Please fill in and return the attached form, indicating for which three items you will be volunteering."
3. Shoes are both the love and the bane of my life. My latest love? Nine West Iceage. Look them up, and fall in lust. They are currently nestling in my closet, waiting for the flood waters to recede.
1. I love your photos. Does that count as 1?
2. I always loved shoes, and 9 West was one of my favorite brands. If I found a pair I liked, and it came in different colors, I'd buy them all. I seldom wore them to work, except when I worked with a lot of men... then I'd dress up every now and then for the hell of it. That was fun.
3. a. It seems I developed falling arches, ingrown toenails, and peripheral neuropathy all at once (I really didn't but it felt like it) so now granny shoes with orthotic insoles R us.
3 b. If love-your-photos doesn't count as 1, I will add that after I phoned all my girlfriends to tell them I was giving away all my beautiful shoes, I decided to specialize in buying socks. So I bought socks in every color. I distinctly remember telling my mother "A person can never have too many pairs of purple socks." Who WAS that socked person, anyway?
1. I'm all alone.
2. It's dark.
3. But George is here with me.
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with this post.
WV: twookers.
Hookers that tweet.
Thanks, mer, for another amusing set of videos, you're very good at this.
Thank you all for commenting - spent the day doing research and now need to research what the back of my eyelids look like because I've completely forgotten.
Happy Day Before Friday - have a great weekend.
1. I'm off tomorrow, vacation day from job 1 and also off from job 2 . This rarely happens and i'm excited.
2. I get to sleep in on Friday. Yes, sleep excites me, because I rarely get very much of it.
3. I get to stay up late and watch Friends and the 70's show. 2 of my all time favorite shows. I know, I am such a geek. Also we are going to watch movies and have smores by the bonfire, FUN!
3. I also need to say that Mathews finally got a Redbox at 7-11 at Hudgins, YEAH!
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