Earlier in the summer, I took this picture of the shoreline from the public landing. The public landing is on public land for use by the public of Mathews, of which I am a member. That dock is not public, but I was definitely not trespassing, just my camera lens. If they want to arrest my camera, I'll have to get ugly and fight them tooth and nail.
I realize I mentioned the word "tooth" above, but I promise I'm not going to talk anymore about dentists, teeth, anxiety and fear. Well, I promise to never talk about teeth again.
Today I'll finally respond to a meme sent to me by Rob at inukshukadventure. Please take a peak over there and check out the great photos. Did you know Canada's Thanksgiving was earlier this week? Head on over and read all about it.
(A) Four places I go over and over again:
1. "Big"(that's relative) grocery store (Food Lion)
2. Other independent grocery store (Best Value)
3. The convenience store for gas (Zooms or Get-n-Zip, aka Beef Jerky Central)
4. Wal-Mutant-for cat food only. And then I walk out $100 dollars later with a cart full of stuff I have absolutely no need for. You know, stuff like $3 shirts that I'll never wear and might use for a dust rag. Or hickory chips on clearance for fifty cents that will sit in my closet for, oh, seven years now because (a) I've forgotten about them or (b) I don't possess a charcoal grill. Still, for fifty cents I couldn't afford NOT to get them. Or could I.....
(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Middle Sister
2. Younger Sister
3. Hallieford Friend (I need to do a post on her and her restaurant in the near future. Hallieford Friend? Tell me when I can come by for some pictures of the old G.A. camp.)
4. The Internet Police, who say if they charged me a penny for every hour I spent on-line, we could bail out Wall Street and send $100 to every family in the United States to jump-start the economy.
(C) Four of my favorite places to eat:
1. Cheesecake Factory (closest one is in Richmond, 75 miles away)
2. Bangkok Noi in Gloucester County (Yes, folks, there is Thai food in Gloucester County.)
3. Mumma's house next door (She can make a feast out of what appears to be an empty cupboard and icebox.)
4.The now-defunct Payne's Frosty Freeze (currently Lynne's) in Mathews. I am going to have to write an entire post on this topic, it is so deserving. The cheeseburgers were out of this world, and please don't get me started on the ice cream cones.
(D) Four places I'd rather be:
1. In front of a laptop with high speed internet instead of a dial-up dinosaur
2. Hiking the Grand Canyon;
3. Perusing paperwork from my paying job that says, "Go ahead, Chesapeake Bay Woman, retire early and don't ever worry about working again. We'll pay you to sit home and blog. And nap. Actually we already pay you to nap here at work, so that will be nothing new."
4. Watching the maids, chefs, exterminators, landscapers, and swimming pool keepers tend to my house and yard and anything else that may require attention. (I don't have a pool, but I would in my fantasy world as long as I didn't have to maintain it.)
(E) Four TV shows I could watch over and over:
1. All in the Family reruns
2. Carol Burnett reruns
3. Everybody Loves Raymond reruns
4. Jon and Kate Plus 8. I have no real explanation for that last one, but I am spellbound every time I watch that show. I think it’s because I am so unorganized and often feel so inadequate with only two children, and this woman handles twins and sextuplets. She makes every single perfectly organic meal they eat. Her house is perfectly uncluttered. She’s not an alcoholic. She hasn’t killed her husband. I just don’t get it.
(F) Four people I think will respond:
I'd really like my one or two readers to pick one or more topics above and answer here in the comment section. Help yourself. Or not, whatever tickles your fantasy. (My friend from Finland used to say that, instead of fancy; she also used to say that she couldn't trust someone with a ten-foot pole. This, too, is a topic for another day. A really good topic, by the way.)
Grandma J. has also tagged me for a meme (or a moomoo as she calls it). I'll try and get the answers up tomorrow or the next day. In Chesapeake Bay Woman-speak, tomorrow or the next day = sometime in the near future, where near future may = Calendar Year 2008, but you shouldn't trust that with a ten-foot pole.
So, how are you doing after the dentist? By the way, Jon and Kate are on GMA as I write this. I think she is a control freak. But, she is going to cook a meal in a few minutes, and I am interested in that. I just heard it's going to be meat loaf. meh
Hey there! I hope you are feeling better! I can't believe no one had a story about that old building. I was also fascinated by it and never once went inside. :-( Take your meds and get to writing!
Love ya!
Middle Sis
Snickering up my sleeve here.
CBW just PROMISED that she would never talk about ANXIETY anymore.
teehee teehee
Well I guess she will have to close the blog down now.
It was nice to know you CBW.
Bear((( )))
ps: I am shamelessly *borrowing* this meme for me to use in the future.
I feel great today, good as new, if new includes having a gaping hole in one's mouth. I just can't smile anymore. Or yawn. No more yawning for sure.
Bear - I corrected myself on that promise about anxiety and dentists. It is teeth I'll no longer talk about (since I'm losing them slowly one by one and soon won't have any left to speak about - wait, I'm talking about teeth, let's move on), but anxiety and dentists are still on the list of possible--and probable--topics, along with trespassing, not that I do that mind you.
Enjoy the day, everyone.
I had to try to type this comment 4 times. Blogger just won't let me post it : ). And all I am saying is that you are fascinating. Go figure!
Paynes was good, but I was an Emory's person myself. Remember how he would serve the ice cream on the edge of the cone so he did not have to fill up the middle? You had to ask for napkins.
And Hilda, who rarely smiled as she took your order? She was actually pretty nice once you got to know her. Emory was, too, but he sure knew how to stretch a dollar until it screamed.
Oh, one of my favorite Mathews food memories. Mrs.Cherry's fresh baked rolls at Lee-Jackson Elementary School. We always ate all of our lunch so we could go back and buy extra rolls.
Now you went and made me hungry. And is it a good idea to bring up food with a sore mouth?
Rebeckah - Blogger is probably blocking it out because it is laughing so hard at you thinking I'm fascinating. I know my sisters are, right about now.
(But thank you for saying it just the same. I always enjoy hearing from you.)
Native Devil - I loved the pizza burgers at Emory's,but I hated that you had to get on your knees, beg and recite 25 reasons why you needed one pack of ketchup. I do miss the place, though. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that before they tore the place down.
OH my gosh the rolls at the school were TO DIE FOR. There was one particular student-who shall remain nameless-who ate so many of them that whenever he'd purchase his armload-full and sit down at the table, the entire cafeteria would yell RRROOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLSSSS and make him turn beet red with embarassment.
LOVED those rolls. Never had any quite like them.
Thanks for reminding me. Now I'll be thinking about them all day long.
One place I miss is a Foster's Freeze that I worked at when I was 15. I loved it and the burgers where the best. The highlight of that short lived career was the day the owner let me cook during the lunch rush. By let me, I mean he made me...because the real cook quit. It almost felt like a promotion!
Don't worry about the meme, moomoo, save it for a "slow day" when you have nothing to say...like that will ever happen.
Glad your back to your old self
"Wal-Mutant-for cat food only. And then I walk out $100 dollars later with a cart full of stuff I have absolutely no need for."
Ha! This made me laugh out loud.
Happens to me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME
"Hallieford Friend" says you can come by any Friday or Saturday night when I am drinking rather than working. I too would love to hear more about the GA camp and see some photos from days gone by.
Jon and Kate??? Really?? And you wonder how she does it...with a part time housekeeper, part time nanny and Discovery Channel money, lecture circuit fees and paid infomercials (I mean vacations)...You wonder how she does it???...we all should have it that good!..and don't get me started when the organic TV cook came to film an episode at her house. Puhleeeez...don't get me started. When was the last time someone came to your house to cook for you?????
Cynical Hallieford Friend
I don't want to watch anyone's children behaving better than mine in a clean house with good food bubbling on the stove, because EWWWWW.
I also don't want to watch any tantrums, bratty behavior, dirty houses, or disgusting food, because EWWWWW.
I'm kinda ruined fro reality TV.
Glad to hear you're back to your sparkly self, CBW!
-- Laurie @ Foolery
GJ - I am quite certain I have never met anyone who has led such a varied and interesting life as you. I'd pay good money to see you flipping those burgers.
Vered - And that $100 was a conservative average...that's why I try and steer clear of Wal-Mutant but they do have the cheapest cat food prices. Doesn't make sense when you overspend on everything else you don't need though.....
Ms. Cynical Hallieford - You yourself should have a reality TV show with all the juggling you do. (Take your choice: the work life or the home life - both are equally amazing.) You're the real-life Kate only minus the help. I'm spreading the word about your Halloween party and will be coming by to shoot pictures sometime soon...maybe one of those Friday or Saturday nights where there might be a beverage or two on hand. Or rather in hand.
Foolery - You juggle quite a bit yourself and I've read enough of your site to know you are quite the cook. I especially loved the oatmeal cookie recipe you posted earlier this week....hilarious.
Off to watch 2.5 hours of soccer now. No pre-surgery medications this time to prevent me from hollering, so I guess I have to embarass my children. Again.
I prefer "Tar-jay" to "Wal-Mutant". Just walking through the doors at WM makes me want to go postal:)
When are you going to be watching soccer in my neck of the woods again?
Probably dating myself here, But to older Mathews residents, "Tom's Diner" was a great place to eat lunch. He had an old silver diner which sat just in front of today's Hyco Mart. Old Silver trailer, bar with a row of stools. hamburgers, hot dogs, bbq, FF and homemade pies were all he sold. He had the old fountain cokes that he mixed with the syrup. Mr. Tom Edwards was a slightly built, bald headed man, who always wore a white shirt and his trademark bow tie. He would figure your bill in his head, saying..."if you have to pick up a pencil, you are wasting time." Fine, fine gentleman.
BHE - I have to travel 40 +/- minus miles to the nearest Tarjay, and Wal-Mutant is a good 15. I'd go to Tarjay in a minute if it didn't involve so much driving. It's Wal-Mutant by default.
I'll let you know when we're up your way which will definitely be during basketball season (unless the soccer tournament takes place there, and it may well think it's in November).
Bayman - I am going to count on you to fill in the abundant gaps found in 100% of my stories. You're a wealth of local knowledge. In particular, I'd like to hear more about the race track (and a thousand other things) that used to be on Gwynn's Island. If you want to do a guest post, send an e-mail.
By the way, for my other two local readers, if you want to submit contributions, I'd gladly welcome your input - not just to the comments section but to the place where I am normally blowing hot air, the actual post itself.
Cats, Native Devil, Middle and Baby Sisters, Anonymous Mathews Native Now in Richmond (sorry, I know I messed that up), Horn Harbor Girl, Bayman, and Cynical Hallieford Friend + Her Girls and any others...please send your stories along.
I would love to read and share them. Love to.
Hey nice Meme!
Wow, you made that into one excellent fun read. You are the Queen of eloquent rambling. I love reading your posts and your daily photos of your wonderful part of the world.
Thanks for joining in the fun.
OMG-- Payne's Frosty Freeze -- I totally almost posted to you about this the other day.
It kills me whenever I take a tour down memory lane and drive by and it's not there.......
And you are RIGHT about those burgers.....mmmmmm.....
4 shows I could watch over and over again.
1. Threes Company I love John Ritter. Was so sorry when he died.
2. Martin He cracks me up. WHASSSUP
3. The Fresh Prince Will Smith is so multi-talented and Carlton. I love his movies also
4. Dave Chappelle Keepin it real. When keepin real goes wrong. That was hilarious.
I know it was 4, but I miust also add WA WA WA WA WAAAAAAAAAA, from Charlie BRown, of course.
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