Day One of Blog Fest included tours of Chesapeake Bay Mother's garden, which also included some Gustav sightings.
Gustav is now an international film star. Chesapeake Bay Son shot a safety video to warn Blog Fest attendees of the dangers lurking in the garden next door (aka Gustav). Several bloggers gasped when they saw the footage of one of his hissing spells. It was really traumatic.
In addition to sporadic showings of the Gustav film, Noe Noe Girl provided tours of her camper.
Here, the Baroness and Asthma Girl discuss the pros and cons of camping, which include the ability to cook, sleep, shower and brush one's teeth all in the same room.
Other highlights include:
- Two boat trips under the Gwynns Island bridge, one of which included smoke and lots of burning smells coming from the outboard motor. Foolery's Daughter, who had no prior navigational experience, piloted the boat home like a pro.
-Noe Noe Girl and Big Hair Envy served up the most delicious shrimp dinner.
-Gifts! I received the most fabulous gifts. Pictures will be forthcoming, but among the wonderful things my generous friends brought me are an exquisite camera strap thanks to Country Girl Kate; a gorgeous--gorgeous--crab charm from Daryl; and a beautiful engraved necklace from Mental P Mama.
-The Chesapeake Bay Children gave rides on the gator.
-Karaoke, which is slated to take place this evening, was discussed and two rules were established: (a) All singers must wear a grass skirt and floral bra in order to perform. (b) Whenever you say the word "karaoke" you must pronounce it "karryahkee" (rhymes with "teriyaki"). I can't remember why, but it's a rule.
-Two new attendees this year! Jamie from Deltaville, who isn't really from Deltaville, and Tracey from "I forgot to ask Tracey where she's from" are delightful and we're so glad to have them join us.
-Mathews Mark, Pookie, Mr. Pookie, Hound Dog (yes, Hound Dog), and the Chesapeake Bay Parents were on hand to tell stories.
Today we head out for some tours, and tonight the group will descend on Sandpiper Reef.
Stay tuned.
Hey... I know that Hounddog person!!!!!
He got smooched on last night.
Stay safe. Post often. Have a better time today than you did last night (and I know that ups the threshold tremendously.)
It sounds like Blogfest is off to a wonderful start! Have fun.
Delivah me.
CBW and fabulous blog-festers!
Hope you are having a great weekend enjoying our beautiful county!
Here's hoping your mosquito bites don't itch and the sting-a-nettles (jellyfish) stay away from your corner of the beach!
Anonymous Mathews Native
I've just walked though my own front door after 22 hours travelling... it's hot, sweaty, and I want to be with you!
Whilst I miss ya'll something wicked this year I'm glad we got to "conference" last night. Hope you guys forgive the spitting...those bleach whitening tray things are nasty!
Was wonderful hearing from you all and it left me in smiles the rest of last night and all day today. I might not be there in person but I am definitely there in a matter of fact, I have a spirit sitting right here next to me! Cheers!
all you's ladys are hot but Marrried
What a great time!! Don't even know here to begin with my own recap. While I was away, my old laptop, whose motherboard had been declared "dead" by a computer technician, had a Lazarus-style resurrection, thanks to my middle son who says he simply held the on button in for a few seconds. I'm pretty sure I tried that... Anyway, today's project is getting its systems updated and then wooo hoo, noew IT in the house!
Was I there?
Jimmy Christmas...I love you people! Too Pieces!
Blogfest sounds like the place to be!!!!!
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