Mark's from Mathews.
That's probably why he's smiling, because living here is good. He's also smiling because he's a genuinely nice person from the inside out.
And he happens to be single.
During Hurricaneaster Ida a couple weeks ago, Mark very selflessly waded through pelting rain and flood waters to pull my boat out from the boathouse, where it surely would have sunk and/or pushed through the roof - or both. He did this out of the kindness of his heart, and when I asked how to repay him all he said was, "Tell all your single friends about me."
What better way to spread the word than by announcing to the entire planet on the internet?
Before I introduce Mark, let's talk about what happens next
because I'm not quite sure what does happen next. Because he's a wealth of local knowledge, Mark's going to be a regular feature here -
regardless of whether we find him a friend. In addition to sharing his stories about Mathews--which will entertain everyone--he could answer any specific questions that readers may have. I've already sent him the list of questions asked thus far. Hopefully this will become a weekly thing and by next week we'll have some answers to those questions.
Ideally, though, I'd like to find a date for Mark. If there is mutual interest, we could arrange for a tour of Mathews (for anyone not local to the area) and sponsor a dinner at
Sandpiper Reef. Another idea is to hold a group event at Sandpiper - a singles mixer perhaps. No matter what we end up doing, anyone traveling from out of town could stay at my house for the weekend if lodging is a concern. We'll figure all this out when the time comes. No matter what, it will be fun.
While these details are being pondered, let's introduce you to Mark.Here's how one of his friends describes him:
He is smart, polite, old school, very much a gentleman, a historian, a story teller, handy, witty, possesses a great sense of humor, fair, honest, nice looking. He is also strong, brave, a person of honor, a good athlete. What an excellent description, and it's all true.
Mark was born in Charleston but moved to Mathews County as a freshman in high school, where he was a linebacker for the football team and a member of the track team. After high school he played football at Ferrum College before leaving to help his father run a car dealership back home in Mathews. He drove a tractor trailer briefly and then joined Anheuser Busch in Williamsburg. He's currently self-employed and does just about anything and everything (including helping a crazy woman with her boat).
He's divorced and has two boys, 28 and 18.
Another friend describes him as the Dog Whisperer, because he has such a calming effect on dogs. He has two himself, one of which he rescued from a ditch, along with her puppies.
He built his own house. Oh yes he did.
His parents, who live on Gwynn's Island, have been married 54 years. His 98-year-old grandfather is the oldest living citizen on the island and has deep, deep roots there.
What does Mark like best about living in Mathews?"The people. Everybody's your friend." He also loves being so close to the water, which he knows like the back of his hand having spent so many years on boats.
Where would he take a first date?He would show her Mathews, introduce her to the sights and to the people, and take her to a local restaurant for dinner.
What about the second date?He'd like to do the same thing where she lives; have her introduce him to her town.
What is he looking for in a companion?"I want an honest woman who is fun-loving, and who'll stand by her man."
He's a good-hearted soul from a wonderful family with strong ties to Mathews. Kind, compassionate, generous to a fault and willing to take unnecessary risks to help a friend in need, Mark is an all-around wonderful guy. I feel honored and extremely fortunate to call him a friend.
If you or someone you know is interested in knowing more, e-mail me at Otherwise, tune in again next week for another installment of Meet Mark, coming soon to a blog near you.