My beautiful daughter Maria turns 13 today.
Thirteen years ago when I went into the hospital, there was much debate over what the baby would be named. Maria was always at the top of my list, but others were not so enthused.
According to my notes from that time, the whiteboard in my room said that the nurse on duty was Maria.
I took that as a sign.
A confirmation of what I already knew.
The baby had to be named Maria.
Maria Shea, to be specific. (She hates that middle name Shea, just like Baby Sister hates her middle name. Baby Sis and Maria are alike in many other ways, too many to go into here. But for starters they look alike.)
Maria came into this world after I had been working all day in a very high-paced job in metropolitan DC. I remember the day was very stressful, and I actually drove home crying
Later that evening I knew we had to go to the hospital. Thankfully, my mother was in town and could stay with then three-year-old Chesapeake Bay Son. My mother was at the bedside when CB Son was born, and I was sorry she wouldn't be there for Maria's arrival.
Although she came into this world without much ado, Maria experienced problems shortly thereafter. Evidently my blood wasn't compatible with her blood, or vice versa, which caused serious levels of blah blah blah--and can you tell that CBW is not a nurse or medical professional and doesn't even try to play one on the internet?
There was talk of possible brain damage if left unchecked. She needed light therapy and possibly a blood transfusion.
My notes clearly state that it took two nurses to hold newborn Maria down while they gave her an IV (there was no blood transfusion to the best of my knowledge). Their one-word description of her was "feisty."
Well, she's still feisty (especially on the basketball court or soccer field), but she's also beautiful, smart, kind, considerate, talented, helpful, funny, fun-loving and the best daughter a mother could ever hope for.
Happy birthday, Maria.
You make me proud every single day, and I love you.
p.s. Friday night I will be hosting six (6) of CB Daughter's classmates and two (2) of CB Son's friends for a total of TEN (10!) teenagers to feed before they spend the remainder of the evening skating in the basement with their music blasting. Next up is scary movies. All night long. I'm sure they'll be quiet as church mice and I'll get hours and hours of restful sleep.
Calgon, please, I beg you. Take. Me. Away. Now.
p.s. Click here for my mother's tribute to CB Daughter, and a glimpse of at least one photo which absolutely must be destroyed...