Welcome to Three Thing Thursday, where I share three things, and you share three things - whatever you want.
I'll begin.
1. Today is Chesapeake Bay Daughter's birthday. When I asked her what she'd like as a very special breakfast (blueberry pancakes? an omelet?), she requested Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I never buy the stuff because I normally
2. I asked her to contribute to this edition of Three Thing Thursday and encouraged her to say anything that popped into her head, no matter how random. She noted that she was "swelled up" (Translation: she's mad; it's one of my father's favorite phrases) because she didn't see a recent episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by her favorite singer, who was Taylor Swift up until this evening. When I asked her to confirm the favorite singer, she said Katy Perry. What do I know, I'm just the mother who serves boxed macaroni and cheese for breakfast as a "special birthday treat."
3. She also said, "CBW made popcorn and the next day when serving dinner she spotted the pot with popcorn still in it."
You see, CBW makes popcorn--at least four times a
Last night upon returning from a very long day, I searched for a clean pot to set aside for today's Birthday Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I lifted the lid off the pot on top the stove, and there sat all the uneaten popcorn.
I wonder how she feels about day-old popcorn for breakfast.
Now it's your turn. Please share three things. Whatever you want. Anything at all.
Happy Birthday to my precious angel. I love you.