Smooth sailing. Does such a thing exist? I would be relieved if the answer were no because then I could stop struggling to achieve it.
Even though I feel eternally 17, I also feel potentially 87 at times. My mind says 17 but my body says, "That ain't gonna happen." More importantly, life says, "Don't even think about carefree youth anymore. Let me show you this nice apartment located in the city of Eternal Stress and Worry."
There is always something that needs tending to, there is always some life drama, there is always some boat that sinks even though you still owe what's in Fort Knox on it, and then there are the unexpected difficulties, such as your car is 6,500 miles over the last oil change or the gutter is pulling away from the house or half of the shutters have blown off (in Tropical Storm Ernesto, which occurred the same year gas was .35 cents a gallon) or ants and raccoons have teamed up, declared a state of sovereignty and asked you to leave their country. Or you wake up with a sore throat and a broken-out face.
Stuff like that.
Can someone please explain the forces at work when you did NOT have skin issues as a teenager but you DO have them at age 40 Plus? Also, I never get a sore throat. Ever. It's summer time anyway, and who gets a sore throat then?
Chesapeake Bay Woman, that's who.
Am I the only one who was laid back as a teenager and reasonably laid back as a twenty-something and then hit a certain Old Age and became ONE RAW NERVE ACCOMPANIED BY A FURROWED BROW DEEP ENOUGH TO SWIM IN?
I need to know the answer to this question. Please provide examples to support your theory one way or the other.
Chesapeake Bay Mental Patient
I think you need a vacation. Yup. You need one.
I found a great quote that I want to put on a t-shirt:
"I would be unstoppable. If I could just get started."
Sometimes lifes challenges seem to all rush at you all at once.
You with your wonderful sense of humour are able to survive where others would be brought to their knees.
I think this weekend should be a LARGE bottle of wine weekend.
Oh heck make it two large bottles,
Bear((( )))
I think we are about the same age but I still feel as I have always felt. Sorry but I can't phrase it any better as James Brown: I feel good!
But then: I am not married! LOL LOL LOL LOL Does that maybe answer your question?
Today is as young as you'll ever be. That's what I remind myself why was I bitching about it yesterday when I knew I'd be older today?
No pimples as a teen here either, but I sure do get them now.
Selective memory loss is my best friend. Oh, and ice cream, and naps.
You need to have a BBQ this weekend and invite all the town folks. Then have a "game" called
"Save the Boat". Instant help.
...Wow, you were laid back as a teen and now you're all "Git 'er done"? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Probably not, because I was the other way around and at no time ever have I ever been at the right place at the right time in my just disregard the above paragraph please. ;o)
...You know CBW, you're just goin' thru a rough patch that's all. And with that I leave you with:
"The sun will come out, to-mor-row"
"Bet your bottom dollar"
"That to-mor-row, there'll be sun"
"Jus' thinkin' about, to-mor-row"
"Clears away the cobwebs and the sor-row"
"til there's none"
...All together now!:
"Tomorrow, tomorrow"
"I love ya, tomorrow"
"You're always a day a--way!"
...I know one of these days you're gonna block me from commentin' ;o)
...Here's to better days ahead!
...Blessings girl... :o)
hopped over from Mental Mama's. So why is it that we get acne at 40 or 50? I don't think that's fair. I do have periods of so not juggling all that life is throwing at me these you're not alone.
I had to get an antibiotic this summer for a sinus infection. That never happens. Can't tell you the last time I took an antibiotic! It's interesting getting older, that's for sure.
ok, take a picture of the finger and the skin. Cannot go any farther without a visual. I hear you lady. Is the boat insured? Do you have to pay for a boat that is sunk?
It's the hormones, Honey. This, too, will pass. Though at this stage my husband had a soothing manner of dealing with a connipition fit throwing supervisor. "How do you deal with her so well?" a co-worker asked. "Good home training," he answered. Though he did come home and tell me about it.
Hey cbw,
The acne is coming from stress. The stress comes from ants sinking boats and the other mishaps you are dealing with. Catch 22, HUH?
shit happens and you deal with it. That is what my husband says. I know that is cruel, but it is reality check. I try to think positive and know tomorrow will be a better day. You will be rewarded for your hard work. You are always sweet and nice to people. You have a few jewels in your crown, know that. One more thing. Have you noticed that the things that bug you the most and pluck your last nerve seem to happen the most frequently? I suggest if you stop giving into them and say I'm not gonna let this bother me today. take a deep breath and have aglass of wine. You will feel differently about any situation at hand.
Hey cbw,
The acne is coming from stress. The stress comes from ants sinking boats and the other mishaps you are dealing with. Catch 22, HUH?
shit happens and you deal with it. That is what my husband says. I know that is cruel, but it is reality check. I try to think positive and know tomorrow will be a better day. You will be rewarded for your hard work. You are always sweet and nice to people. You have a few jewels in your crown, know that. One more thing. Have you noticed that the things that bug you the most and pluck your last nerve seem to happen the most frequently? I suggest if you stop giving into them and say I'm not gonna let this bother me today. take a deep breath and have aglass of wine. You will feel differently about any situation at hand.
Hey, cats. There's a reason we're related and we've been friends all these keep me straight.
I know that life is good, I know that I need to surrender to the things that bother me, but I need you to keep reminding me because I forget often.
Thank you for doing that.
Love you and your laugh. Tell Cats Son I said hello.
Hey Cheeky,
You have just reminded me of a serious post I would like to write, but I can't do it tonight. Just stay on me about it, okay? It's about stress and health issues. It may help you; it helped me.
Back when I was 25 and had:
~no children
~hair with its own zip code
~my own business
~several college-aged employees
I used to say, "I am always one of two ages: four or one hundred. I'm ___ today." It helped to declare it.
Now that I'm 20 pounds heavier, a mom, a writer of dubious free internet crap, and a middle-aged cat lady, I'm always 100. But it helps to declare it.
Adore you, darlin' -- e-mail me if you feel like it and I'll give you more drivel!
-- Laurie
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